Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cabeeto Soup

New years was brought in with high fever & a couple of other vexatious ailments. Guess all the pent-ups were burning out towards the end of the year. By the Doctor's presumption,  thankfully I hadn't embarrassed myself by passing out somewhere......

Unfortunately that got Mumma super alarmed & it became her mission to get me restored by the end of the new year weekend.
The four days I was on a diet of a soup & another healthy liquid, the recipe of that I'll share later.
I'm sharing the recipe of the soup that I took daily twice a day, which I believe was very effective.
It can be called the Cabeeto soup. [Carrot-Beetroot-Tomato]

3 big red tomatoes
3/4 of a big beetroot
1 red carrot
2 pinches salt
1/4 tsp sugar.
Put the tomatoes, carrots & beetroot to pressure cook.
[Shred the beetroot in a slicer or cut them into small pieces. Bigger pieces do not get cooked well. ]

After the three are cooked, use a strainer &; strain the juice out. Put the juice on boil. Add 1/4- 1/2 tsp of sugar depending on preferences &  1/4 tsp salt to taste. [For regular consumption, 1/4 tsp of red chilli powder should be added for better taste.]

The healthy Cabeeto soup is ready. Easy to prepare & can be had as a tasty filler. Not restricted to fever times only. :)

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