Friday, June 19, 2009

Horn NOT OK Please!!!

Everytime...just about EVERYTIME I'm on the roads driving, [& that's almost everyday..] I am seized with these thoughts: Why, Why...& till when!!! ...over & over again.

'Why' about what?

Everytime I'm driving on the roads of my city, I'm clouded by the thoughts of WHY does everybody have this insatiable, irrepressible, addictive, uncontrollable, irrevocable, untamed urge to HONK?

Everywhere, anywhere...where not!!??!!

Even if there is a need to honk, one gentle honk will not do...why are people hell bent on displaying their creative side by going easy on the horn as if it was a musical instrument?? Ofcourse little do they realise, that it is unmusical & its definitely not soothing to the ears! :O

As if by honking, the traffic in front of you is somehow going to get moving... or even, would get moving faster, for that matter. For what I understand, from what I learnt during driving these few  years.. is that we are supposed to honk, to make somebody aware...not Scare!!
-When at a turning, or to make pedestrians aware of the vehicle coming.. & also for moving any wayward animal away for that matter.

-There's a traffic jam, people honk, there's no traffic, STILL people elderly person walking...yet the honk goes, one sees some kids walking, off it goes again..a poor rickshawala is pulling his cart along...yet it goes.

The honk goes off at damned everything!!

I personally think, its the Indian mentality...we love to utilise each & everything that is available to us we don't like to waste the horns provided in our vehicles & so off we let loose our fingers on that button. I fail to see how can people be so insensitive, ridiculous, dim witted & moronic when they get on the roads. & That was mildly put.

Its so difficult to believe that most of the people behind these various kinds of horns & wheels are educated... What is the meaning of education to them, I wonder? Is it only if one gets paid, it's worthy to apply basic education & manners? [Public transport drivers are not eligible for such... or any kind of evaluations!!]

One very interesting thing is that, by mistake if you happen to glare at someone who's been honking unnecessarily, [esp if you are a female], then the honk gets in double gear. It acts as a major jumbo boost to enjoy irritating some hapless being for these horn-o-maniacs!

Also, the astonishing urge for the guy behind your vehicle, to overtake, cut & zoom past you, [as if participating in a highway race!] literally shakes you off the seat.
Offlate, even an ambulance approaching does not much really move these blithely uncaring zombies to make much way.
Insensitivity is rapidly gaining upperhand.

Makes one believe that people actually must be starting on their vehicles each morning mentally preparing belligerently..for assaulting whoever or whatever coming in their way.
WHY - Why does this happen?
- I have failed to get an answer to that, how many ever times I have tried to solve this not so bright fact.

Apart from the incessant honking, there are numerous other things also which makes me shudder everytime I have to get on the roads. That I'll elaborate at some other time in some other blog...
Seems like how much ever resurging or Shining India is; some things will never change.

-I'd so much love to be proved wrong in this point for once.
High hopes to that!

© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.


  1. The most ridiculous instance: You find people blowing horn even when it shows Red at Traffic Signal!

  2. Oh yes! I missed adding tht one! :D
