Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions 2011!

Its making resolutions time again! While I go back to my 2010 resolutions to check how I fared, I'm glad to tick off quite a few things of the list.

This year too there have been some additions.. some subtractions & some resolutions which I need to go consistent with. Infact, this year there were rather quite a few additions, but I'm toning them down to keep it achievable! ;)

Some are just cut copy pasted from the previous years.. & will continue being so every year.
& some are just pulled back.... they caused more harm than otherwise.

In the things I'd say I did achieve were:
I did travel a teeny weeny bit... not extensively, but did manage three short weekend getaways, which is comparatively better than the no-travel of the last 2 years..
I did get back to gardening!! Though growing veggies is yet to happen...There're flowers; colourful flowers, blooming in my garden!! :)
Got back to reading.. & how!! I've been reading pretty good the last few months & that makes me feel so good! :)
& I did learn to speak decent [definitions can vary! ;)] Telugu!

What I didn't do were:
Didn't paint, didn't exercise, have not stopped feeling guilty of being vulnerable...haven't found 'that' peace yet... :(

What I did do on & off was :
Returned missed calls... procrastination....publishing posts the same day... these are constant work!! .. & the progress is ongoing!! :P

So, putting all the revised resolutions in one order, here's my list of 2011!

1] Start exercising: What I didn't do & need, really need to start doing is, start exercising & lose a little weight! [Why is there NEVER a constant here! :( ]
2] Eat well: My food habits have totally gone for a toss... & I do see the bad results of it... Will need to strictly regularise this.
3] Sleep well & drink 8 glasses water per day: Sleeping well is another thing I need to work on. Drinking water was something I used to do.. a good habit which I glitched last year.
4] Become Assertive: I've always known I'm a little vulnerable. & overall its been kinda not that great, so becoming assertive is this year's mantra.
5] Travel Travel: Yep have to keep up with that! Will sure do better this year!!! :)
6] Start valuing my art/services more: I shall unwaveringly charge a nominal fee for my services, Tarot & Reiki.. I've realised its true, 'Value is only realised if its value is valued' ..even amongst friends.
7] I shall get back to painting: I've been away from it for quite a long while now. Need to see some colours on my canvas....
8] Learning something new: Would like to learn something new this year. Be it anything.. a language or an art form. There are quite a few things I have been interested in.
9] Will stop worrying: This is going to be tough.. but will need to train the mind to stop worrying over petty things as well as bigger things. Its not going to change the situation anyway!
10] Stay focussed & get decisive: That will get more closer to my goal. [Can't reveal it just as yet! :) ]
11] Clean away my clutter: There are things we get around collecting every year which we sometimes don't end up using.. from clothes to the files on the laptop. [atleast its true for me] I will not let clutter pile up before I've no option but to give/clear them away.
12] & last but very importantly, I have to learn to believe in the word "Trust" again. In me, for me. Made a few wrong turns last year.. that kind of shook me off. :P

Among all this, I shall consistently never stop: to be more conscious for the environment & reduce my carbon footprint wherever I can...; strive to be a better person...; follow what I believe in, even if the odds are against it...; lose hope when things look bleak...; leave my good habits. I shall also not stop expressing to my dearest people, in deeds & words, that they are most loved.

Lets all have a good year ahead.
© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.


  1. Must say this one is a lovely post as it always has been! What a list of resolutions. Best wishes. I am sure you would keep up all of them.

    Happy new year


  2. Thanx Sanjay!!! I hope I can keep them up! :)
    When's your list coming up?

  3. Thanx Naresh! Since I've been making resolutions for a while I do keep them pretty realistic. :)

    & Thanx for your ideas too.. had been using the tracker idea for a while. Rest, I'll keep in mind.

    In regards to rewarding, well, shld'nt I get rewarded to stick to my goals? Afterall, not many stick to their resolutions!! :D
