Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Immediate Next

In my last post I was musing what will it next be in terms of technology invading our lives.

Today while browsing channels, I came across the promo of a new show which'll be up on air soon. Its about getting to know your past life.



It could very well be a Pandora's box opening up. I've not been able to make my mind up how i find it. I'm curious yet parelley have mixed feelings if I would like to know my past..past life to be precise. I've always heard that human avatar is achieved after a lot of good karma's...n then it repeats itself till the karma's are not burnt off. But, what if I hear that I was some other creature in my past life..? Now I don't know if I'd like to hear that!

The teaser of the show is interesting...well made rightly to attract the 'right' kind of people. By that I mean, the way a certain good percentage of people who are de trop on this, also people who just are the curious kinds to see what's it all about, [like me] are very much likely to lap it up. The Trp game [that I understand nothing about], will pretty much be in a good percentage for them.

Getting back on track, in India we believe in the past life stuff & all, yet, how are they going to present it & what chart is the show going to be tracked on is attracting.

Anyways, it did though answer to my question of 'what next' of my previous post. Technology is paving waters into infinite waters in our lives. How precise or a sham this particular show would be, we wouldn't know for sure...except perhaps the participants.

Makes me stop at another question,

Why are we so hell bent upon digging the past & improvising the future that we have no time to notice what we are doing in the present?

Any replies?

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