Monday, February 8, 2010

February Effects

Its That week..the love week, if it is called that. & somehow this year, my thoughts have been going in & out to that thing called love. February is being funny with me this time.

& maybe becoz I do not have anybody to call my own, I'm wondering how would I love him to be, He, whom I'd love to call my own.

Honestly, right now the immediate thought that came to my mind is, I wish for someone like my cell phone. My darling! [Now, that's the first ever time I've called it that... but I know its worth now, so I shall acknowledge. :P] Told you, February is being funny with me this time.

My phone had been with me for almost 18 months now..& its gone through a lot. It is a very modest piece, no hi-fi stuff, not even a CAMERA! [That should be provided with EVERY phone model according to me!! : ]

Anyways, my phone in the last 18 months must have taken a fall some 18 number of times atleast & in all kinds of surfaces. [OK, 18 times is maybe a littttle exaggerated, but 10 I've counted. Whatever.., The beauty is that it's still been good to me, & that's what's counting. & touchwood to that! ]
Point is, even after being a simplest of pieces, having been thro' a li'l less than careful handling, yet, it has been loyal to me..with nothing ever happening to it; except maybe the battery splitting & falling out a few times.

I wish for a man like that. Who even if I fail sometimes, he'd be sound & solid behind me. If I fall anytime, he would gently pull me up again & ease the pain just by his words.... Will support & give me reassurance that, "It's all OK. I'm still here."
& Even if I do not live upto his expectations at times, I will be happy in the knowledge that, "Yes. I'm secure in his love, in our relation."

& in understanding, I too shall naturally overlook his lil peeves like no camera, limited memory... [remember..? :P] et al.
Coz I do know for all of this what I am wishing & hoping, I know very well that I am worth it & special...& whoever I share myself with would be as much more special too.
© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.


  1. Good lord!! So you've compared Man with a Mobile Phone? vooo..what's next?

  2. Even I dunno what's next! :D

    .. In regards to the comparism, I was being kind there! The phone ATLEAST reponds to me when I need it to.. It also indicates when its batt is low..or anything else. Men on the other hand...Well, you'll know yourselves!! LOL :P
    [No offense meant!! :D]
