Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby's Day Out

Technology may be moving at a lightening pace, leaving us no option but to eventually catch up with it.
I'm having a thought here for the new Born's entering the world daily.. who don't seem to be given any catching up option.
No soon must the baby had a moment to look at his/her Mom's face, flash - flash does the camera go on him/her.. & pronto they're all over the Internet!!

Poor thing would have had no idea, how s/he would have to rightaway face the world within minutes of entering it!!

I just hope we do not reach a day, where the ultrasound scan pics are also put up as status messages & comments are made as what or whom the baby is going to turn out to be like.

Phew! Scary!!

I dislike.... naah... I 'unlike' it!

© Except for image, all rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.


  1. that's a nice observation.. And yeah.. I too unlike it...

  2. the ones who click photos of new born babies are usually the ones who have an infant's brain.
