Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a Moment

I am quite a follower of the Ipl ..& so have been enjoying the season 2 ,..catching up whatever matches I can.

A few days back I was having this talk with my friend about how interesting this format of the game was..& how it can really get one hooked.

Her take on the matter, left me thinking. She said though the 20-20 format was good & she liked it too..this time around she dosen't want to watch. Her take was when the Govt grants all kinds of grants to the players...showers them with so jobs, free lands...lakhs/crores of worth of cash rewards. Aren't the cricketers liable enough to VOTE?

Pause. In a moment I was taken in with the impact of it & the whole josh about watching the season went down the drain. That day, the team I support was playing...but after talking to my friend.. you'd guess if I watched it or no.

The thought stayed with me for the whole day... & the more it stayed, the more I agreed & had points to ponder on too.

Over the huge election campaigning which had happened this time, I suddenly realised that NO cricketer was involved or had participated in any of the promotional campaigns to vote. As being one among the 2 most followed professions of the country., Yet there was not one cricketer that came out & advertised for the vote season. Strange. Cricket is revered in this country...on par with the following of Movieland. Yet, how could this thought of excercising the most important right in a democratic country miss them, I fail to understand.

Another think was, that the elections were spread over 5 was it that difficult for the cricketers to make out a couple of days to get back & vote in their respective constituencies on whatever days the voting came? After all, the vote season comes only once in 5 years. I'm certainly not meaning that all could have come back...nor am I saing that the team owners should bear the additional brunt of expenses...but surely the majority part of the Indian cricketers are damn well to do & can certainly afford to fly to n fro on their own. & to think of it, those are the cricketers that make most of the difference. They are hugely followed..that's the reason they are picked for Ads...paid obscure amounts of money...treated royally!

Some of you may think that I'm being harsh & cricketers would get tired with all the to-n-fro & jet-lag et al...& so they wouldn't have dreamt of it. Honestly, I had this thought too, but then If they can fly to places within shortest spans of rest in extreme conditions WHEN they get paid, they can as well take this little amount of extra step or strain, if you please., to behave like responsible citizens really prove that they really are worth all that humongous hype!

Now one more thing you might think is, that its a democracy, people can choose to vote or not. Sure they can. So why am I sounding like a preacher? My reply to that would be with a question again..then why all the campaign fuss? Only becoz we are responsible citizens & we are the ones responsible for the people in power right? That's why it becomes doubly important that people who've proved to make a difference to the mindset of the junta, should do the needful.

After all, they aren't representing the country in the World cup or playing in the name of the country with any other country in this season. Right? This is all money....all entertainment, which are going to only fill up their overflowing coffers...!

About time they got a little more...or rather..decently responsible & actually become Ideal propagators...rather than just sell bikes & colas & chewing gums around!!

© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.


  1. We dont follow barter system anymore. Had it been followed, they would have participated in these campaining for a series or 2. :D wht say?

  2. Oh Absolutely!! :D ..& I'm also imagining all the whining around these guys wld be doin then!
