Thursday, July 30, 2009


"........ Change yourself!" - Whenever I hear something like this, my eyes roll up in exasperation. The sound of it is so negative.

To me it actually means, 'reject yourself & become someone else.'

Now, I don't mean that change is bad, nor do I oppose it; its just that the change we expect in people is something I don't agree much with.

Change is inevitable & a required part of growing up.. of learning... of life. It happens & comes naturally.

I am of the belief that things can be changed, situations can be changed... but people must be accepted for what they are.

People progress gradually & by their own will to grow. It should not be by efforts* & surely not because someone is pinpointing them to it.**

But when people expect you to undertake change because, they have a different take on your personality or if it doesn't suit them, its no good.

To take efforts to change self is like waging a war, Its a battle in which you are constantly struggling with your inherent nature. Its like we are forever looking for something else within us that we do not possess.

I believe in acceptance. To me, Accepting means acknowledging.

I find its much better to accept & work around self. This is so much more easier than to keep an ongoing war.

Everybody is born with an inherent nature & we are moulded accordingly. & then later we also mould ourselves by the understanding we have of life around us.

Why not enhance life by working around our traits & learning how to balance it; rather than reject it outrightly?

What is needed is the 'CHANGE OF ATTITUDE' that we have towards ourselves, towards people. Guess that is one change we can do with. Wouldn't we?

Think about it.

[* - There are exceptions for there are certain situations where changes become mandatory than necessary; to be made.
** - Only people who are the closest to you can ask you that. If its coming from them, pay heed.]


© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.


  1. My parents are asking me to change my hairstyle since 2001!

    Some of my colleagues are asking me to change my wardrobe too :-)

    Thank god there is no one to force!

    So who asked you to change what?

  2. Who asked me to change what?
    Hmmm...Only Me keep asking Me to change!! :P
    Thankfully, no one else is asking me to change anything too. :)

    What I wrote was from general observation.

    ..But if U change your wardrobe (Permanently); I wonder how many people will get into a shock mode!! ;)

  3. Like this line....
    "To take efforts to change self is like waging a war, Its a battle in which you are constantly struggling with your inherent nature."

    Q : what if this IS the inherent nature of a person ?
    to battle with oneself to change ?
    what would happen to such a person ?
    Would it be good to try to change oneself for the better ? always ?

  4. @ Kalyan: Nothing in life is always only good or bad. Life is a patch of white here, lil black there...& mostly different hues of grey. So, whether it is good or bad for someone to change depends on how s/he wants it.

    If it is an inherent nature, then either there should be an acceptance of the belief that the change is for the better.. or there would be a constant upheaveal within, over the non acceptance of self.
    One has to decide where one is happy being.

    [P.S - I had written about objecting to Ppl wanting chage frm us all the time...abt changing self, its a natural process]
