Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One Day.

"You know, I'll surely get that One day..."

"One day I'm going to visit & surprise them... "

"I'm surely building my own home One day..."

"I'm going to own that car One day.."

"I see myself in that place One day..."

"This is something I wish to achieve One day...."

"I'm going on that Trip One day..."

" I'll make time for running that marathon One day.."

"I'll tell him....One day."

Sounds familiar? This 'One day' is such an intrinsic part of our lives.

It proves the fact that life is about dreams, dreams & more dreams. They never end. Its like the glue which keeps the soul stuck to this material world. Otherwise we'd attain renunciation. :D

Since the time we start realising our passions & our choices for the life we'd love to live, we always dream of getting on the road we would like to live on...(but which seems not possible at the moment) to the mystifying, "ONE DAY."

Though some dreams are achievable, we push them them ahead due to procrastination. & for the others,

We do not know where to place THAT ONE DAY in the plan of our life.

How often do we actually reach that "One day" is something we lose sight of more often than not.
Also, too often, time passes away & the season to pursue that 'One day' becomes a lost dream.. like a piece of wrinkled paper carried in our wallets for too long.

Then either the way is past long gone to pursue them or the zeal within us has dimmed. [Oh, don't tell me that anything can be started anytime; I won't be dreaming to run a marathon at the age of 60. Not because maybe I can't..but its stupid to risk it when I could have planned better.]

Life is so full of immediate things that we forever keep pushing away our desires on distant hopes..telling ourselves, let these immediate few things get attended to in our life, then we'll plan for that big dream we are seeing.

These 'few things' happening in our lives will never end & thus taking us far way from the mirage called 'One day.'

Until we don't realise that; that it is not a mirage, we will end up with a wishlist of unfulfilled dreams & desires..many of which could have been attained.

"Life is waiting", is a lovely line from the movie- 'The Terminal.' I'd like to add to this lovely line:

Life is waiting...'Why am I?'

Maybe this check up is just what the doctor ordered right now. I'm on my way to following it. Are you starting too?

© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.