Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Festivity is in the air! Wherever you go, there's lights, brightness & bedecked ambiance all around.

There's a joy in the air & even if you are the non-noticer types, you can't help to sit back & notice the tinge of excitement in people & things around.

The whole world wears a festooned look at this time of the year.

I too love festivity... who doesn't? :)
It gives a message of joyousness, celebrations & something to look forward to.

The bling & the aura of the climate apart from the usual gaiety, also sometimes makes this thought in me to creep out; -
In earlier days, we used simple lights, candles & bare decor to mark happiness in the air.. & yet we felt it deep within our hearts.

That was evidently visible on our selves. Now even after the replete kind of shouting of the festival time from everywhere, do we really feel it in our hearts? Is it now an occasion for us to let ourselves realise that its time to celebrate? To pause & let the year go by & welcome a new that we don't miss the passing & advent of a new one?

Earlier, simple diyas were enough to bring out the happy sentiment & mood, now even if we light up the city, we don't have that much light in the heart to feel that joy to time to feel the occasion, except spend a bit, do a few typical customary things & make oneself realise that we are supposed to feel joyful.

Is life slowly becoming lifeless?

Somehow, this year's parting has gotten me in that mood. Sometimes all this merrymaking gets to me in this way.

For few many other times, I'm as happy as you to bring in the new year with all the dazzle which outshines any philosophical thoughts as I churned out above!

Wishes for a Very Happy New Year to All! :)

© All rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author.

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