Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tra la laa la laa!!

Ever know how it feels to get rid of a guilt & finally enjoy what you really wish to do?

I did not, till a while back...
...Merrily, I know that now! :))

For the longest time now, I had been into consciously trying to eat right, counting my calories...trying & exercising when I can, follow healthy food habits [well, that is more becoz of a passion..] in order to reach THE perfect weight [in my eyes] for ONCE...& hold that on for atleast 6 months time at a stretch.

Being a true Gujarati, I have this sweet tooth..[which seems a bane sometimes... :(] & I more than less had a problem containing the perfect weight on the correct needle for a consistent amount of time.

But the effort did finally pay off.....Hurray now!!! :D

I have somehow, miraculously [Touchwood!!] been able to hold onto THAT desired weight, THAT desired inch measure on the measure tape for a successful 6 months now!!!
Feels as if I broke the jinx of FWS. [Fluctuating weight syndrome! ..Yep, I've termed it so! :P ]

Can't express the exhilaration I'm feeling over this gleeful fact. :D

The result of which has been that I have been able to enjoy my most fave desserts, Laapsi/ chocolates/cakes/ice creams with relish ...& without a trickle of guilt!!

OK, before you think of letting me know,if I continue that, I'll be back to the FWS; lemme assure you, I do have that mental note very boldly etched at the back of my I won't trip! :D

As for now, let me just INDULGE!!!! :D :P

© Except for image, all rights reserved with Biraj 3Vedi. To re-print, prior permission required from the author


  1. Biraj...I understand exactly what you mean.

    I must also admit that I love reading your notes on the wall as they make so much sense. Its the way your put your feelings in words that makes it such an interesting read.Keep going...I am always waiting to read the next one.

  2. Thanx Dearie!
    No One else can understand this one as better as u!! ;)
