Friday, January 24, 2014

Day - -8. If I Had 1,000,000 To Spend, How Would I Spend It?

Interesting Question actually. The one I've never given a thought to.
The Taurean in me is too realistic to dream fantasies in the real sense... so guess I'm going to enjoy about thinking and jotting down how I'd spend this kind of money.

Well, first things first - honestly, I'd quit my job/take a break and sit down to plan a budget of how this money should be handled. Either going to a financial planner or me deciding on my own, this Will be the first thing I'll do. I'd set up investments for the future and securing a certain amount from this money.

Then come the more interesting things! Without a doubt, I'd plan for a full calender year of international travel. The places I've always wanted to visit as a true tourist!

Thirdly, I'd do some research and venture into some kind of fulfilling business for the long run.

Also, I'd definitely make an agricultural/farmhouse type of investment, because I know, given a chance, I'd like to eventually settle at some such place.

I do not want to add that I'll spend so n so on family..some for charity etc.. as those are very personal matters and they don't have to be mentioned...except if in charity, I'm giving away all of it or even half of it away.

Guess, at the moment, I can think of all these things. Have any better ideas, feel free to share them! :D ..I know I'm going to have a dreamy day today!

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