Monday, January 20, 2014

Day - 4. Your views on Religion

Till a few years back, I was a typically and highly religious, blind-faithed person.

Now, I can't call myself typically religious. I am religious to the extent that I believe and follow the Hindu scriptures and the teachings in it. But I also learnt that in the name of religion, be it any, we follow/made to follow many ridiculous customs that you start questioning the authenticity of, if you are a thinking person. And hence, I mentioned not typically religious.  

For me religion is all about doing no harm to anybody, live as honestly as you can and definitely not curb someone's thoughts and views and freedom on the name of it and most importantly not have gender based discrimination.

I believe in live and let live. And hence, when I see something being followed without head or tail of a logic, I now opt out from following it in the 'traditional garb' of what it is defined in. Religions also are the biggest culprits for violence since times immemorial. If we go thro' the statistics of the happenings of unrest throughout the world, we can relate most of it to religion.
Though they ideally show us the path to live, they have been misinterpreted to a power game for the fanatics.

Having said all that and stated the cons; I feel religion in the True sense was created so that there are generic guidelines for people to understand about life and different aspects of it, so that the human race can go about it in a structured way. There were different sources thro' which they got created and thro' different mediums. Whom we call Bhagwaan, or Almighty, in factuality preached the Same things - albeit in different ways. So how and when did the human race digress and end up fighting for superiority that their belief of religion is higher than the other, is something which has been unclear to me since like always!

Anyways, I digress too. Before I wind this post I'd like to add that follow the heart and whichever faith that resides there, but make sure you respect the sentiments and feelings of others with hearts and their faiths too. Basically meaning All. I truly believe that is what is at the core truth of all religions.

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